Alternatives to (paying for) Boosting your Posts On Facebook
Stop paying for post reach and increase your organic traffic by following these steps. Not long ago I read an excellent article discussing Social Media Marketing tips, written by Jeannette Paladino ( Jeannette provides us alternatives to paying for a ‘boosted’ post on Facebook. By incorporating these tips, you too can write blogs that appeal to your target audience. Check out her article by clicking the link above.
Here are her lesson’s learned/summary:
- Write content that people want to read. That’s rule #1. Why write something nobody wants to read? Make sure the blog post is interesting not only to you, but your target audience.
- Promote your content as updates on social media networks. Now
that you’ve created some interesting content, share it on social media! Offer some value to your followers and let them know how this can help them by writing captivating titles. “Don’t Pay for Facebook Boosts, Try These Free Alternatives!”
- Leave thoughtful comments (not just, “Hey, I liked this) on other people’s posts. When you read and offer valuable content, responses, and suggestions to others, they may seek you out and visit your own blog. This can lead to new relationships, and perhaps, new subscribers!
- Engage in conversations on social media to get known and make new friends and connections. Be genuine and give first. Networking 101 my friends! Offer value to the conversations you join. Ensure your social media account has a link back to your company page.
- Write guests posts that will draw people
to your own site. Offer to contribute (once again, give, give, give!) articles, quick start guides, how-to’s, eBooks, or anything of value to the company/person’s audience. This will provide you with exposure to a new audience, while also providing valuable information and building public trust.
How about you? What did you think about the tips outlined above? Do you have any additional tips you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it! Leave a comment below, or hit me up on social media.
Feel free to check out the original article by clicking the link above and give Jeannette love by sharing the article as well.
Best Regards,
– Angel