2016 ASSET MANAGEMENT AWARENESS MONTH (AMAM) You are invited to participate in and share the many opportunities available during the National Property Management Association (NPMA) March 2016 celebration of Asset Management Awareness Month. This year’s activities include: Free Webinars Subcontractor Control, Wednesday, March 2 (2PM EDT), Presented by Dr. Doug Goetz, CPPM CF Recorded Webinar Available on your… Continue reading Asset Management Awareness Month
Subcontractor Control Management Webinar
As the National Property Management Association (NPMA) celebrates Asset Management Awareness Month, we will be offering a series of FREE Webinars you can participate in. This week’s webinar, Subcontractor Control Management, was presented by Dr. Doug Goetz. Here’s a recording of the webinar:
Feel the Bern, Make America Great, Insert Slogan Here
My eldest daughter is old enough to participate and vote on her first Presidential Election (Elections 2016). This is a pretty exciting time, and my wife and I are very happy to share our own thoughts and decision making tips with her. We’ve heard the “Feel the Bern” and “Make America Great” slogans tossed around… Continue reading Feel the Bern, Make America Great, Insert Slogan Here
Setting and Achieving SMART Goals
Want to set goals but don’t know where to start? You’re in luck, I’ll show you just how You Too can set SMART Goals you can achieve. So what makes a goal smart vs. not so smart? Let’s start with defining the acronym. A SMART goal (specific, measurable, action oriented, reasonable, timely) is a written… Continue reading Setting and Achieving SMART Goals
Fleet Management Tips, part 3
Blog: Fleet Management Tips, part 3 In parts 1 and 2 I shared Fleet Management Tips you can use to manage your company’s fleet vehicles. Don’t have a fleet? No problem. I’ll show you just how you can still use these best practices to run an efficient and lean business! Here’s the recap: