Casey Neistat Called it Quits, Then Got PAID! (and what your business can learn from it)

Casey Neistat is a lot of things. Search him on the ‘google machine’ and you’ll learn above all else, he’s an entrepreneurial Ultra Popular and successful YouTuber. Probably the most successful YouTuber around, if you measure success by followers, video views and $ lining your pockets.

Now he’s got that too.

Just a week ago, while still at the top of his vlogging craft, Casey called a sudden end to his vlogging. And that is the shocking part of it. He did it in a relatively sudden way; despite being one of the most successful and profitable YouTubers of our time.

In a video you can find here, he outlines the reasons he quit daily vlogging. As a true artist he is seeking a new way to challenge himself creatively.

But, what’s that got to do with business? (after-all, this is a blog dedicated to asset management, small business management, and entrepreneurship… among other things). Well, it turns out, a ‘case study’ on Casey Neistat can teach you [and your business] a LOT!

If you own or operate a business, you are likely going to face a familiar challenge. You may have the best products and/or services but if your customers don’t know about you…

do you even exist?

That’s where marketing comes in.
Casey is a very talented film maker/story teller. He published daily blogs for FREE on Youtube for over 18 months. This free content was absorbed by millions on a daily basis.
Much hard work and creative content was churned to feed the masses, with the ultimate (but not so ultimate) goal of hitting the proverbial jackpot.

CNN has acquired Beme, the social app co-founded by YouTuber Casey Neistat. As part of the deal, Neistat will lead the Beme team as a new standalone media..Source: CNN buys Casey Neistat’s Beme app, brings the YouTuber in-house | TechCrunch

One week after announcing he ended the vlog, we learn CNN has cnn-iphonepurchased Casey’s company, BEME, and brought him and the company on-board to the tune of $25 million dollars!
As we understand it, CNN wants to attract younger viewers, and  personalities such as Casey and Co. appear to be a step in the right direction.
Similar to my favorite definition of luck [ luck = preparation + opportunity], define and focus on your core competencies, then spread the word by letting the world know what you have to offer.

What’s your talent?

As a business blogger, showcase your skills, whether it’s video, audio, informational talks, etc., serve your audience through useful casey-neistat-rulesand relevant information. This serves you as you earn more exposure, and helps you learn exactly how you can better serve your potential clients. Just like Casey attracted Mercedes-Benz, Nike, and CNN to name a few.
What lessons have you learned from this experience?
Have you ever quit something when you were clearly at the top of your game to pursue other opportunities? 

Share your thoughts below!


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