Effective Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Many of us small businesses rely on social media to be social, share updates, promotions and interact with our audience. Here’s the problem though, organic reach can be hard to come by.

Organic reach for the content brands publish in Facebook is destined to hit zero

Source: Effective Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Sure, the best things in life are free, but social media marketing is typically not really one of them. You can consistently provide great content, but if you don’t pony up a few green backs (dollars) your chances of reaching your audience are hard to come by. Whether the social media platform changes their algorithms or the platform becomes unpopular, there are many reasons why relaying on Facebook/Instagram/SnapChat/Twitter is not the best option.

Consider email marketing.

Cultivate your very own email list by offering insightful and personal branded content to your email subscribers. Whether it be advance copies of upcoming products, special discount codes, or behind the scene looks at the inner workings of your company, cultivate your email list by treating your subscribers like gold.

Your email list is a direct line of communication between you and your customers.

The article referenced above will provide details on:

  • Collecting email addresses
  • Tips for keeping your readership
  • Content strategies

At WoodyThings.com (our online woodworking shop) we try our best to offer relevant, timely, useful content to our subscribers. We solicit feedback through surveys, polls, and run our own email subscriber-only giveaways to truly reward our members.

These strategies are not new, and we didn’t come up with them ourselves. We’ve learned survey tips from sites like SurveyMonkey, and best practices for email marketing from MailChimp. No, these are not affiliate links, we just truly enjoy their services.

It costs several times as much work/effort/money to acquire a new customer, than it does to retain a loyal one. Spoil the ones you have =)

What are YOUR best tips or suggestions for Effective Email Marketing for Your Small Business or blog?


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